Our Business Philosophy
Quality is important to any manufacturer. We emphasize quality throughout each step of our manufacturing process. We also
strive to be as efficient as possible so we can offer a competitive price to our customers.
Update your furniture instead of dumping them and buying new. The black sofa was gave to me by a customer. It
was in bad shape with broken spring's in the back. i refurbished and reupholstered it then sold it. the blue sofa i got from
my neighbor's house. It was on the way to the trash pick-up. it was dirty from years of wear. The frame and
spring's were in good shape. i reupholstered it and donated it to a girl who helped me take some stuff to goodwill with her
On their way to the landfill. Customer's bought a sofa's i had redone. They were going to haul the old one's to
the road. i took them and reupholstered both. i sold them for $300 each which is the cost of the job.